What is Conquering Kindergarten?

We all know the value of A, B, C’s and 1,2,3’s. In the School District of Philadelphia, we are working to grow social and emotional learning skills to the same level as math, reading, and writing. Social and emotional learning skills are teachable, and every child can learn them—with your help. Conquering Kindergarten is about supporting families and teachers as they work together to help each child learn the social and emotional learning skills they need to succeed.

How can I help children Conquer Kindergarten?

Because social and emotional learning skills are so important, 14 of these skills are included on the kindergarten report card. The District’s Office of Early Childhood Education, the Penn Child Research Center, the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania, the William Penn Foundation, and local teachers and families partnered to create resources to help students conquer these 14 skills. Here are some ways you can help children conquer kindergarten:

  • You can help children learn the 14 skills and behaviors that promote learning on the kindergarten report card by reviewing the information on this website. It will explain what the skills are, why they are important, and how to help children learn them.
  • Communication between families and teachers is the best way to help children conquer kindergarten. When families and teachers work together, they can help students learn the social and emotional learning skills they need to succeed in the classroom, in their community, and beyond. Click here for a handout you can provide to families at back to school nights, family conferences, and other school events.
  • When you see children working hard to learn these skills, let them know that you see their efforts and are proud of them. To learn more click here.

Is this only in the School District of Philadelphia?

Conquering Kindergarten is an effort developed by and for teachers and families in the School District of Philadelphia.